No matter what season it is, you can always find an opportunity for a camping trip! And the nice thing about your recreational vehicle is that it provides you with a safe and secure place to stay while you’re on the road. But the only way to ensure that your journey goes swimmingly is to take the time to prepare yourself and your used RV and plan out your schedule.
Not sure where to start with this process? Never fear! This guide to planning a camping trip comes to you courtesy of the staff here at Holiday World.

Select Your Destination
First, you’ll need to figure out where you want to go! Do you feel like going on a simple weekend trip to a nearby campground or do you want to plan something more elaborate that takes you further afield for a week or longer? Think about what you’ve got time and energy for and poll your traveling group to see what sounds good so you can narrow down your options.
Consider the Timing
You’ll want to factor in the weather and time of year, too, since going up north during the fall and winter can leave you vulnerable to snowstorms while traveling along the Gulf Coast in the late summer may expose you to hurricanes. Choose a place that’s low-risk to save yourself the stress!
Chart Your Course
The next step is to figure out how you’re going to get to the campground, city or tourist attraction you’ve chosen. Using a GPS device on the highway can be very helpful for navigation if it doesn’t come naturally to you, and even those with a good sense of direction will get turned around on unfamiliar streets.
When you’re driving a big RV, you’ll want to take note of low bridge clearances, narrow roads, weight restrictions and congestion. You’ll also probably want to find the most direct route possible in order to save gas. Figure out where you want to stop along the way for food, gas and breaks, and make reservations for campgrounds in advance so you’ll have a place to stay.
We hope our guide has been beneficial to you in the planning process! Need an RV? Visit Holiday World in Texas or New Mexico today to browse our wide selection of models for sale.